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On September 26th 2014, a disaster occurred in Iguala, Guerrero. 43 students disappeared, and so far have not been found. No one but them really knows what happened, some sources of information reported to the Mexican people different situations, for example, that everything is the fault of the Government, defending the students, or they blame the group "United warriors" and drug traffickers "The Reds".

Can this be a cause for an internal armed conflict in our country? 
I don't think it can be, because even though, the citizens of Mexico are making riots and demanding justice, there's not enough strength against the government, because it is a corrupted system, and they will and can do anything in order to shut them down.

But even though it's not a cause of war, it's a big problem and needs a solution right away, because if we don't find one it will just get bigger and bigger.

-Ariela Kershenovich


Can Ayotzinapa represent the seed for an internal armed conflict in our country?

The article says that sometimes the citizens don't want to be governed anymore, why? Because they don't like the fact that the government never accomplishes their missions and promises, and they have the right to be happy and they want the government they deserve, so they fight for it, they fight for another government and most of the times this causes a civil way or a coup d'etat. Clearly this will lead to catastrophe and disorder but it is the obligation of the government to actually be it, a government, not a regime. People will always want more, society is never satisfied with something, that's the cause of the politicians wanting more and more power over the citizens and the country, so they do whatever it takes to have it, no mare how many people they take out in the progress. So yes, the Ayotzinapa problem can actually represent the seed for an internal armed conflict in Mexico.

-Andrea Perla.

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